Monday, August 4, 2008

Part 3: Ecafepro | Cyber cafe managment software

Setting up Client Computer

From "menu", under "setting" tab, click on "client pc".

I think many people out there can setup their computer IP, right? What is IP? IP stand for Internet Protocol. It is a numerical identification (Logical Address) that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network utilizing the Internet Protocol for communication between its node (Wikipedia).

Now, click "edit".

Enter your choosen IP number to blank box there and click "save". You IP address should be similar example like this :192.168.0.XXX, where XXX is a combination number between 1-9. It should be serial number. If you put for computer no. 1, computer no.2 should have IP Address and so on until the last computer.

Now finish one step.

Now install client software and run it on your computer. Enter "admin" password when window like below popup.

You should see something like picture below.

Few step you must follow:

1. Enter server IP number so the client computer can interact between server computer

2. Enter your computer number

3. Tick at box says "Load at windows startup"

Now all your computers can interact between them and it's time to make money from internet cyber cafe business. Enjoy reading...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Part 2: Ecafepro | Cyber cafe management software

Setting Up Server Computer

We are going to setup server computer. So, when you finished download the software that i've mention earlier, it's time now to install it. You must extract the file you download using whatever zip file software like Winzip or Winrar or iZarc. And then click setup to install Ecafepro server software. After finish install it, click Ecafepro shortcut to run the program.

Ok, now i will explain to you about the "setting" tab.

Under "company & general" tab, you will put your company address, phone numbers and not to forget, your company's name.

Under "general info" tab, you will put amount of your computers in "total pc" and you will pun your "currency sign" (If in Malaysia we put "RM", if in USA, put $).
Under "loading option" tab, you will choose your computer icon in "icon view option". There are 4 icons. You may choose whatever you want but i suggest you choose number 4 icon because it easy to see which one of the computer finish it's time and your computer usage timeline.

Now click at "ecafepro loading at startup" so whenever you start your server computer, the ecafepro program will loading at startup. We skip for "login option" and go straight to "pc logout setting".

The most important setting here is "after login, the client pc will restart". Which means after customer finish using the computer or finish their prepaid, the computer will automaticly shutdonw and restart by it self. Neat huh!!! :).

On "pc locking message", you can create whatever messege you want to display. Like me i show "Welcome to My Internet Cafe". It's not so important. You can leave it blank.
Under "Miscellanious option", click "allow refund for prepaid" and click save button. Go to "setting" and go to "rate". Click at "charge rate". Click "edit" and put your usage rate for an hour. For example you want to charge $1 for an hour, so put $1 on "charge rate".